Nateo’s Offerings

Nateo Inlakesh weaves an alchemical blend of Spiral Mechanics Movement, Plant Medicine Terrain Modification, and Sacred Geometry Protocols. His spiritual philosophy is that of “Maximum amount of movement, least amount of effort. "

Spiral Mechanics Movement is a coiling system for cultivating life force energy, fundamentally based in Silk Reeling Spiral Power Qi Gong, a series of spiral movement exercises designed to increase electromagnetism and energetic potential in the body.

Plant Spirit Terrain Modification is the process of modifying the body, mind, and spirit by way of communing with plant spirit intelligence within the practice. Plant Spirit Intelligence opens the spiritual centers, enhances the five senses, and engages the flow state.

Sacred Geometry Protocols

Geometric forms are one way information, light, shape, and vibration, are accessed and remembered, through the perfection of the lines and circles together in harmony. Sacred Geometry Protocols introduce daily visual meditation, gazing upon geometric forms and shapes for 28 days of a lunar cycle to recalibrate and clean the mind. Circles are liken to the essence of Qi, energetic potential, to bring the formless into form. Lines are liken to the discipline to hold ones attention on the form, the container, to be filled by the formless. When we bring the lines and circles together into harmony inside, the outside adjusts to match the frequency, thus we become, Orgonized. Sacred Geometry Protocols are one method used to re-balance Inside and Out. When in balance all the geometries move interlaced like multidimensional cogs of a unified wheel resonating complimentary tones and frequencies. The awareness of this interplay with you as the central character is the goal of incorporating Sacred Geometry Protocols. Knowing is half the battle.


" In the beginning you lead the sword, eventually the sword leads you."