Meet Your Guide
Nateo Oetan
Nateo is a lifelong seeker and quester of personal freedom. In devoting himself to spiritual practice, he has garnered much experience regarding physical-spiritual transmissions, and traversed many inner-and-outer landscapes. Nateo lives life as a ceremony. He applies technical skill and refined awareness as a practitioner of the internal arts. With a passion for the interplay of form and formless, his work supports coherence and harmony. He is remembering perfection.
Nateo currently resides in the Great Smoky Appalachian Mountains offering private sessions, earth honoring ceremonies, and group trainings. Nateo travels frequently to offer group Spiral Mechanics Qi Gong and Kambo Training Retreats to people of a multitude of backgrounds across the globe.
Nateo trains with Sifu Paolillo in the Internal Martial Arts of Taoist Meditation, Silk Reeling Spiral Power Qi Gong, Chen Tai Chi Chuan, Dragon Ba Gua Zhang, Cannon Fist Pao Choi, and Praying Mantis Kung Fu since 2009.
He is a certified Kambo Practitioner trained with Master Kambo Practitioner John of Noah, founder of Universal Kambo Alliance, where safety and precision are the primary point of focus.
Nateo apprenticed with Master Curandero Don Jason Blaesing. During this study, Nateo was passed a seven directional Hauchuma altar.
Spiral Mechanics Qi Gong
A meditative movement practice for cultivating life force energy and increasing electromagnetic potential in the body.
Microdose & Movement
Combining plant spirit intelligence and spiral mechanics qi gong to facilitate a deep and integrated healing journey.
Kambo Medicine Treatment
A ceremonial custom tailored deep cleansing and recalibration of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.