Kambo Package Treatments
10AM - 11:30PM • 90 MINUTES $333
3 Kambo treatments within a 28 day lunar cycle for optimum benefits is recommended to fully integrate karmic bindings, particularly confusion and laziness, loops that keep us bound in addictive habits that inhibit our evolutionary spiral. Kambo fosters clarity and open roads in alignment with soul purpose.
Kambo Private Treatments
10AM-11:30AM• 90 MINUTES $144
A custom tailored deep cleansing and recalibration of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies anchored within a ceremonial altar, “A microcosm of the all encompassing Self, which is paradoxically both internally experienced and externally expressed through out the universe.”
TBA: Kambo Training Immersion

About Kambo Medicine
Phyllomedusa Bicolore, also known as monkey tree frog or waxy tree frog, is primarily found along the Amazon river in Peru, Brazil, and Colombia. It lives between the trees and water rarely spending time on land and moving very slowly between the branches crawling in a monkey-like manner where it gets its name. It has snake like eyes with an up and down almond shaped pupil. It has no natural predators due to its protective skin secretions, and anything that attempts to swallow this hand sized bright green creature immediately spits it out. It primarily eats insects which feed on medicinal plants, minerals and saps which is why only wild caught ones can be used and a very important reason why they have to be released in to the jungle and never kept captive. It is considered very bad luck to harm, kill or entrap them. To find the frog one has to search high in the tree canopy by imitating its call usually just before a rainstorm. It fearlessly stays relatively still before, during and after the extraction process where it is usually tied up or held from underneath to release it's milky substance from its upper glands on its back as well as the lower ones on their legs. The venom dries on a bamboo or wooden stick which can have dozens to hundreds of applications on it depending on its strength and size making it easy to transport and administer.
The Kaxinewa as well as the Katukina from Brazil are the main tribes known to work with it for healing in that country. They claim that the name Kambo comes from the chief Kampu who was guided to it in order to save his tribe from an illness that was wiping out his village despite their rigorous drinking of ayahuasca. While under the effects of this hallucinogenic brew he walked in to the jungle and saw the frog which communicated with him how to use it by burning holes in a persons skin and applying the extract from its glands on the open wounds. He saved his village and ever since this medicine has been known as Kambo, or Kampu in Brazil to honor his spirit.
In 2003 guided by chief Fernando, the Katukinas denounced the misuse of Kambo and accused the pharmaceutical companies who had patented it of bio-piracy. In 2004 an alliance between the Brazilian government and the Katukinas formed to ensure that profits generated from this substance benefit Brazil therefore limiting its legality and export only in their country.
The Peruvian Matses are known to use Sapo, as it is known there, to enhance their hunting intuition and skills. Recently a new association named M.A.T.S.E.S. formed by Dr. Dan Pantome to protect Amazonian tribes and their rights in Peru where the frog medicine is legal as it is everywhere else. The area where the Matses live was recently sold to an oil company displacing many of them. In the 1970's the tribe was bombed from airplanes after attacking workers who were building a highway on their territory. This is one of the many examples of the displacement of the people of that area due to deforestation, damns and industry.
Peru is where Sapo was brought to North America in 1983 thanks to an anthropologist and journalist named Peter Gorman. He was working for High Times in search of Nu-Nu, a ritual snuff made of tobacco mixed with the burnt ash of a relative of the cacao family. He saw some sticks drying by the fire and by the time he was done asking what it was, they had burned the substance on the sticks in to his skin thus being the first person to write about his accidental discovery of this indigenous medicine. You can read more about his story in his books "Sapo in my Soul" and "Ayahuasca in my Blood". After returning home to the U.S. he noticed his high blood pressure had dramatically regulated itself and he felt an overall sense of wellness. High times sent him back the next year with a photographer to learn more about this mysterious medicine.
In 1984 during that trip he managed to send two Phyllomedusa frogs to Vittorio Erspamer, and Italian Scientist from the University of Rome who was the first to theorize the healing properties of the peptides contained in its venom, or as Peter prefers to call it "frog sweat". Erspamer was twice nominated for a Noble prize and was known for discovering over sixty new chemical compounds, most notably serotonin and octopamine as well as polypeptides, biogenic amines and alkaloids most of which were extracted from amphibians.
The research scientist concluded that this frog's fantastic chemical cocktail would be very important in the medical field which confirmed what he had theorized back in 1947. His specialty in amphibian peptides at the Institute of Medical Pharmacology of the University of Rome became the subject of further studies in Europe and North America. He primarily focused on the opioid peptides found in Phyllomedusa used by the natives in initiation rites to enhance their hunting intuition, give them endurance and suppress appetite for the hunt.
Thus far researchers have discovered nine peptides, some of which are bio active therefore trigger a variety of chemical reactions in the human body. These compounds perform hormone like tasks while others have a potent effect on gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation and on the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland. Many of these have since been isolated and synthesized. There are over 70 Kambo patents lodged mainly in the U.S. which is why it is referred to as Amazon or forest vaccine.
*Kambo peptides include:
tachynins (phyllomedusin) effect the digestive system, bowels, and cause deep purging of toxins
bradykinins (phyllokinin) potent vessel dilators increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (also found in tachynins)
sauvagine both of these cause a fall in blood pressure accompanied by tachycardia stimulating the cerebral cortex and pituitary gland which cause heightened sensory perception and increased stamina. They have a strong analgesic painkilling and anti-stress effect and are also digestive aids
deltorphins are both strong opioid peptides 4000x stronger than morphine and 40x stronger than endogenic-b endorphins.
andrenoregulin part of a family of broad spectrum antimicrobial peptides involved in the defense of the naked skin frogs against microbial invasion.
These are the first vertebrate peptides to show lethal effects against the filamentous fungi responsible for severe opportunistic infections accompanying immunodeficiency syndrome and the use of immunosuppressive agents. Works in the human body through the adenosine receptors, a fundamental component in all human fuel cells. These receptors offer a target for treating depression, stroke, seizures and cognitive loss ailments such as Alzheimer's disease. Scientific research on the various peptides of Kambo are opening up new perspectives on how the human brain works.
*Sourced from Kambo Alchemy

Physical Effects of Kambo Treatments
During a Kambo treatment one also experiences effects on the Parasympathetic (peripheral) and Sympathetic (enteric) nervous systems.
The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of "rest-and-digest" or "feed and breed" activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, including sexual arousal, salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion and defecation. Its action is described as being complementary to that of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for stimulating activities associated with the fight-or-flight response.
The effects can be felt in the liver which is why it causes the intense release of bile seen in vomit, or sometimes stool.
It also effects the heart, spleen, lymphatic, and intestinal systems. Skin issues are often repaired especially if fungal or bacterial. It's anti-inflammatory properties make it very useful in pain management and it also has tremendous anti tumor agents which attack abnormal growths in the body.
The peak effect during a treatment usually last from 10-30 minutes after which the parasympathetic system goes to work. Because it goes through the lymphatic system, an important reason why it's applied through the skin, the aftereffects can include tiredness especially if the person is high strung or can make one very energized if the person felt sluggish or lethargic previous to the treatment. It has metabolism enhancing properties which is one of the reasons hunters use it to sleep less, suppress appetite and have more energy for the hunt.
There are many studies which show Kambo's anti-tumor effects, partially due to it's rich chemical cocktail and how it effects the balancing of glands and hormones. There have been many studies mostly by the university of Rome available on line. I've seen it remove baker's cysts after only one treatment. Part of this is also due to it finding it's way to old white blood cells and destroying them, while forming new white blood cells which is why it feels as though it's scanning your body for about the first ten minutes after it's application to the skin as it induces a mild fever. This can bring heat and remind people of old injuries and areas of the body that need healing. The purge often comes and can be short or long depending on the toxins that need to be removed and the energetic release the person needs in that moment. Many experience short emotional outbursts of laughter, crying or simply inner contemplation. Everyone's process is different and the more one works with it the more the body adapts to it therefore becoming more comfortable over time as the individual becomes more familiar with it.
During the treatment you feel your heart beat faster and sometimes there's a metallic taste in the back of the throat which can become slightly constricted due partially to the phylomedusin peptide. As the person starts working regularly with the medicine one builds a tolerance therefore having to increase the dots with time. It is advised to do three treatments in a 28 day cycle to get the full range of peptides and that dose is good for approximately one year. People with chronic conditions may choose to work with it more frequently. The process is different for each person depending on what your body needs in that moment. Many may experience temporary stomach upset and a strong bowel movement partially due to what it's doing to the liver and intestinal flora. It's best to eat a plant based diet immediately after the treatment for one to three days avoiding, supplements, herbs extremely spicy and heavily processed foods in order to continue the livers cleansing process and not saturate it with fats and oils. A few of days after the session one can embark upon a liver cleansing diet which is optional. Even doing something simple like drinking room temperature lemon water first thing in the morning or eating more root vegetables can make a huge positive impact on the lymphs, kidney, liver skin and other detoxifying organs. This is the reason it is very important to avoid alcohol, pills, overly processed foods and sugary drinks.
Immediately after the treatment is a good time to reprogram the neural pathways and do artistic or athletic things while avoiding negative influences. Some do Kambo when they're at a crossroads or at a time in their lives when one has major decisions to make. This is often when the medicine spontaneously appears attracting those who most need it. Many prefer to do it after Ayahuasca, Hapé, Sananga and other medicines since the system is extremely receptive after an all night purge. Many administer the morning after having eaten nothing 12 hours before and only drinking non-alkaline water no more than 30 minutes prior to the treatment. The water is what binds to and releases the toxins and a very important step before and during the process. Some may be called to do it more frequently often due to stress, lack of motivation, pain or chronic conditions. Even if you only do it once in your life you will experience a huge shift in perception, sensory enhancement, better vision and improved immune system. Many use it to go off pain killers and anti-depression medications due to it's long lasting euphoric after effects. A small amount of people don't have a hard process or feel immediate sensations at all during their treatment but the medicine still works which one can observe by the burns swelling as the Kambo travels towards the heart and organs. Weather the individual has a strong process or not one's senses usually become very enhanced and has a tremendous sense of clarity. For the most part however the process can be strong inducing a fever like heat, rapid heart beat, vomiting and a strong bowel movement. Kambo has been described as ten minutes of hell for a lifetime of heaven.
After the treatment some people want to rest or take a nap, while others have a strong burst of energy due to it's bidirectional tendency. Bidirectional remedies are similar to adaptogens which means they give people exactly what they need at the time, often slowing you down if you're sped up or stimulating you if you're sluggish due to the hormonal shifts and glandular release. This is primarily one of the factors that enhance metabolism often causing some weigh loss or temporary change in the person's eating and sleep cycles for a few of days after the session which eventually regulates itself back to normal. Many are left with a long lasting sense of euphoria, overall lightness and enhanced awareness of being.
The bioactive peptides and neuropeptides present in Kambo cover a wide range of potential medical uses including:
- depression - fertility problems - yeast and fungal conditions
- migraines - AIDS - viral infections
- blood circulation problems - hepatitis - lethargy especially in cases of chronic fatigue
- vascular insufficiency - cancer, tumors and abnormal growths - reduces pain and inflammation
- organ diseases - brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's - regulates hormones reducing the discomfort
- skin and eye issues - impotence or frigidity of menstrual and menopausal symptoms
People often feel euphoric with a renewed passion and thirst for life after a session and those effects can be long lasting depending on the individual and their lifestyle changes.
People excluded from working with the medicine are those who've had organ transplants, have severely high blood pressure, or a history of schizophrenia especially if on mood altering medication. Anyone who is taking prescriptions or other pills should refrain from using them if possible for two weeks prior to treatment, unless it's something very delicate in which case we at least ask that pills be stopped two days before and after to not interfere with the venom/drug interaction. Those who have high blood pressure and are able to bring it down can eventually work with the medicine starting at lower doses and gradually increasing the dots while monitoring the blood pressure several times a day to be safe.
People with HIV and AIDS do it to have better quality of life and lessen the likelihood of the virus spreading or becoming more severe.
HIV positive people as well as cancer patients report better appetite, digestion, food absorption and maintain a healthier overall weight. It has been known to treat eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia giving people a new appetite not just for food but life in general. This is the same reason its metabolic enhancement also helps treat depression and lethargy by enhancing the body's own glandular and chemical release.
It is normal to feel a little brain-foggy or tired for a day or two after a Kambo session. One feels the medicinal benefits gradually as time passes though some claim to get kicked in to superhuman overdrive immediately after.

Energetic Effects & Cleansing
How often one works with the medicine is really up to the individual. People with chronic conditions, psychological ailments or who simply feel the need to release their panema and cleanse their energy may do it several times a year while some may only want to do it once in their life.
Panema is what the natives describe as the negative cloud that keeps an individual from progressing or succeeding. Some might call it bad luck.
I say once you've received the Sapo spirit you're in direct communication and the frog will tell you when it's time to take it again. I lean towards the three times in one twenty eight day moon cycle once a year application to really concentrate the peptides in the recipient's system. I find this to give a good pain killing dose with a heavy release in a three part process. How often one chooses to sit with it is really up to the individual's intuition and what they're dealing with.
In tribal cultures it is usually given to those who can't get the girl, or have a hard time finding prey in the hunt. During a Kambo session the Curandero or Shaman will burn sage, cedar, copal, sweetgrass, myrrh, frankincense palo santo or other energetically cleansing herbs which also have an important bacterial killing effect for the air, hands and atmosphere. Some sprits the individual with Agua Florida, Rose water or other hydrosols. Often a Waira is used which is a fan that is also a percussive instrument which can hold a gentle beat while the practitioner sings or does an energy cleansing sweep throughout the body. Some use feathers to achieve the same thing. Tobacco is also used, both burnt around the person or insuflated by a self application device known as a Kuripi. When the shaman blows it in to someone else they use the two person blower called a Tepi which can be made of wood, bamboo, bones or hollow reeds. This is to administer Hapé or Nu-Nu which are tobacco based sacred snuffs that are not only used to clean the vibes of both the practitioner and patient, but which also help activate inspiration in the pineal gland and help set intentions for where one wants to direct the energy during the ceremony. It also infuses the essence of the shaman to help heal the person. Sound healing tools such as didgeridoos, mouth harps, tuning forks or singing bowls to name a few are often used in conjunction with singing and all the other tools creating a sacred, calm and clean environment for the work.
The smell of the herbs burning, as well as a small amount of essential oils or even sounds can help trigger the purge which people sometimes need a little help with in this ritual of letting go.
The Hapé is also very important in this process not just for the patient but also for not carrying over any previous energy from the practitioner to the client thus making the herbal cleanses and snuff ritual a necessary tool to release any negativity or stagnation. In tribal cultures hapé is used for heightening perception, receiving prophetic messages or dreams, and tuning in your spirit with animal or ancestral guides. It can be done several times throughout the day also clearing the sinuses acting as a powdered South American version of a neti pot ideal for the humid amazon environment. There are many different kinds some used more for energy, some for calming, other having aphrodisiacal and other heart opening properties.
Many like to take ritual baths or go to the river, ocean or springs which is what many tribal people do after the Kambo ceremony tuning in to that submerged underwater cleansing frog spirit.

Psychological & Mental Effects
Kambo has been researched to help slow down the memory loss associated with Alzheimer's and dementia due to it's peptides, triggering of the body's own chemicals and hormones as the medicine breaks the blood brain barrier. It is for the same reason used to stimulate serotonin as well as other brain and glandular fluids which help alleviate depression. It is an extreme metabolism enhancer and has thus been helping people battle weight loss, addiction, negative patterns and OCD tendencies. Many with ADD or ADHD say it helps them focus and others are using it to deal with PTSD and traumas. Very often people have blocked memories triggered which they may have suppressed which is the reason why there can often be a strong emotional release during or after the process.
It is good to have an artistic, or physical task lined up to do after Kambo since it will reprogram your neural pathways to create new patterns. This is the reason it is a good idea to avoid news or negative influences after a session. It is also a good time to reflect on lifestyle choices and it is wise to keep a notebook to write down the ideas that come in the form of downloads. Many people have started businesses, broken through writer's block, or found to have enhanced athletic performance after a treatment. It is a powerful peptide combination that stimulates the nervous system, kills pain, decreases inflammation, and cleans out the gastrointestinal tract which is why it is known to be a spiritual cleansing or detox of the energetic fields and helps clear emotional trauma or negative cycles. It addresses the root trauma that aggravates addiction. Also because the combined physiological and energetic effects of Kambo have many people turning to it as an alternative tool for pain management, therefore giving people a physical, mental and emotional healing by addressing the underlying cause.
Generations of indigenous wisdom backs up the claims that the Amazonian frog venom is an effective medicine.
It's best to undergo a Kambo ceremony with an experienced practitioner who respects the spirit of the frog and who administers the medicine safely and effectively.